Today, M, our OT called us. If you dont remember, M has been working with us for a few months now. Right now we’re looking at options around going back to do something in college. I had said that I’d like to do something in computers, or office admin. So today he phoned with some options for different courses. He had gotten on to a disability advisor in the local employment service and they told him the name of a course that they thought might suit us. Its called information processing. The qualification is a level five fetach award, and you can also do the ECDL as a stand alone course, ECDL stands for european computer drivers license. It sounds like a great course. There are lots of modules in computers, like wordprocessing, powerpoint, email, excel, etc etc. But there are also modules in non computer related things, such as personal development, healthy lifestyle etc. There is also a work experience module. M is going to go look up a few more courses, just so that I have some choice and then we’re going to sit down together to discuss my options and he’s going to then help me to apply for the one I want. The information processing course is 2 years, and there is an interview to get into it. I hope I get it because I really want to go back and do something. Its a 30 hour per week course, so quite demanding. From 9 until 3 every day. But I think I can manage it! I’m ready for the challenge!
Carol anne