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This is a post I wrote last week after I saw Karen, the nutritionist dr Barry referred us to. I wrote this up but I didnt post it but I want to now. Any and all feedback welcome.
So I went to see Karen the nutritionist that dr barry refered me to this morning. It was a good session and very interesting. We went through some of my history, surrounding my diagnosis, my families history of illness and my own history of illnesses too. Then she talked to me about different parts of the body and some symptoms surrounding those parts. For example we discussed the digestive system, the immune system, and the liver, and the different symptoms that I might be displaying and what might be going on there. She weighed me also, and, I weigh 217 pounds. I wasn’t surprised at my weight as it was what I thought it might be. She went through a healthy eating plan with me and the next time that I see her I hope to be down some weight. Basically I’ll be eating either wheat bread with peanut butter, or wheat bread with soe eggs, or some cerial or a yogurt for breakfast. For lunch I’ll be eating a rap or pittabread with either chicken and cheese, or ham and cheese or turkey and cheese on it. And for dinner I’ll be having brown pasta, brown rice or potatos, lots of vegetables, and a small portion of meat with no fat on it. Then for snacks she said I could have either some nuts, some fruit, or rice cakes or wholewheat crackers. Im also supposed to drink lots of water, she said it would help detox my skin and I’d probably lose a few pounds from just drinking lots of water because of the detoxing. Im also supposed to start exercising which I’d intended to do anywah starting next week. I think, realistically I can lose about 7 to 10 pounds by the next time I see her which will be two weeks from today. I’m kinda looking forward to doing this new eating plan and doing it in a healthy way rather than in an unhealthy way. She gave me a recommendation for some seeds, I cant remember the name of them but she wrote it down for me. Basically what you do is mix a tablespoon of these seeds into your cerial or a yogurt and they break down fat for you. She said since I’d had my gall bladder removed that the fat doesn’t break down any more, because the gall bladder is used for breaking down the fat. So I’ll be getting my groceries on Saturday or Sunday and I’ll be doing a very healthy shop. So that was the appointment in a nutshell.
Carol anne